Signs He's Into You

If He Does These 12 Things, He’s Definitely Into You

Sometimes there are mixed signals as to if that guy from work, school, or on your block likes you. I mean, you are interested in him but don’t want to go off ...
Lifelong Partner

How to Choose Your Lifelong Partner

It is simply human to want a lifelong partner, but how many of you really know how to choose one? Some say when they see the person they will just know, some prefer ...
Valentine's Day

Spreading The Love On Valentine’s Day: 17 Inspirational Quotes

It’s Valentine’s Day and love is surely in the air! We’ve decided to celebrate the day by selecting 17 Valentine’s Day love quotes to inspire ...

Infidelity, The Number One Marriage Killer

Marriage is a tough journey whereby the couples meet with several obstacles along the way. The race is tough and few make it to the finish line. The main among the ...
Avoid in Relationship

6 Things You Should Never Do and Avoid In a Relationship

I often say making a bunch of rules in a relationship does not guarantee its success. As a matter of fact, they really make it boring because rules lack spontaneity. I ...
Relationship Success

5 Sacrifices to Make Your Relationship Successful

In this world, no relationship is ideal. From the outside, some couples might seem like a match made in heaven, but a lot of hard work goes into it. And you really ...
Compatible Relationship

How to Make Your Relationship Work

Having a romantic relationship is good but maintaining a healthy one is a very delicate issue. Often times, we believe that if we make rules that should govern a ...
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